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Best Education Wordpress
Theme For 2018
Fakultas Syariah Komitmen Membangun Zona Integritas
Mewujudkan Wilayah Bebas dari Korupsi (WBK)
dan Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih dan Melayani (WBBM)

Professional Teaching Staff

Professional educators from academia and industry practitioners

Journals and Proceedings

Scientific Journals and International Conference Proceedings

Request for Letter Services

Students can submit their letter requests online

Sharia Faculty

The realization of an integrative Faculty of Sharia that combines science and Islam with an international reputation

The Faculty of Sharia aims to produce graduates and scholars who are competent in applying and developing family law and business law based on a moderate Islamic perspective. Specifically, graduates are also expected to be able to analyze issues related to Islamic law that develop in society and to have a proactive attitude in making reforms. The education and training provided by this faculty enable graduates to choose future careers as experts in Islamic law or practitioners skilled in carrying out their duties in both public and private institutions.


25 Mahasiswa Fakultas Syariah Siap Jadi Peer Counselor

4 Oktober 2024

SYARIAH – Jumat, 4 Oktober 2024, suara isak tangis terdengar di ruang meeting…

Gelar Stadium General, Fakultas Syariah UIN Malang Hadirkan Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie

26 September 2024

Reporter: Muhammad kamalul mustofa dan Nisa Dian Islamiaty SYARIAH – Fakultas Syariah UIN…

Undang Stakeholder, Fakultas Syariah Gelar Workshop Evaluasi dan Penyelarasan Kurikulum

21 September 2024

SYARIAH – Jumat dan Sabtu, 20-21 September 2024, workshop evaluasi dan penyelarasan kurikulum…

Academic Info

Penetapan Hasil Seleksi Mahasiswa ICP Tahun 2024

17 September 2024

Disampaikan kepada mahasiswa seleksi International Class Program (ICP) Fakultas Syariah Universitas Islam Negeri…

Surat Keterangan Rumpun Ilmu lulusan Fakultas Syariah

11 September 2024

Disampaikan kepada lulusan Fakultas Syariah Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang bahwa…

Pengambilan Toga Wisuda Periode IV

9 September 2024

Disampaikan kepada Wisudawan/Wisudawati Fakultas Syariah Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang untuk…


Rekonstruksi Hukum Wakaf Ahli untuk Ketahanan Keluarga

17 Agustus 2023

Wakaf merupakan bentuk filantropi Islam yang memiliki nilai manfaat secara sosial ekonomi. Wakaf…

Mengawali Ramadhan 1443 H dengan Sikap Moderat

1 April 2022

Miftahudin Azmi dan Ahsin Dinal Mustafa (Dosen Ilmu Falak UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim…

Haruskah Menteri Agama Mundur?

26 Februari 2022

Oleh: Sudirman Hasan Beberapa hari ini muncul di sejumlah media sosial tagar semacam…


Faculty Leaders

Prof. Dr. Sudirman, M.A.


Dr. Zaenul Mahmudi, M.A.

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Institutional Development

Dr. Hj. Erfaniah Zuhriah, M.H.

Vice Dean for General Administration, Planning, and Finance

Dr. M. Aunul Hakim, M.H.

Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Collaboration

Study Program

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Study Program

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