Unit International Class Program



  • Overview

The International Class Program (ICP) of Sharia Faculty was established to support UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang’s vision to be an internationally reputable Islamic higher education institution in integrating science and Islam. The University has agreed to sign MOUs with a number of overseas universities to promote mutual cooperation for academic and professional affairs, and the ICP of Sharia Faculty has been one of the leading units specifically designed to implement such agreements.

The ICP of Sharia Faculty is offered to selected students who meet very strict requirements. The Program administers the teaching and learning process differently from the regular classes do, including the extensive use of Arabic and English languages in its instructional activities. The ICP also encourages students to involve in such international programs as internship, benchmarking, mobility, and short courses in foreign universities.

  • Rationale
    1. Until recently, globalization has presented enormous challenges for Muslim countries
    2. To cope with globalization, Muslim thinkers should improve their competence in solving complex problems of contemporary society, particularly in the area of Islamic law
    3. Muslim countries should work hand-in-hand to reduce the negative impacts of globalization and to raise Muslims’ confidence to live equally with other religious adherents
    4. As the largest Muslim-majority nation, Indonesia has considerable number of moderate Muslim thinkers who are eligible to be pioneers in keeping the world peace
    5. Being committed to be a world class university, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang should build global network with sister universities around the world. The establishment of the ICP is thus important to promote mutual cooperation with reputable universities especially in Muslim countries
  • Strength
    1. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has signed MOUs with some reputable universities in Western and Middle-Eastern countries
    2. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has planned to be a reseach university and bilingual university
    3. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has managed a Language Center, which is in charge of improving the students’ proficiency in Arabic and English languages
    4. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has integrated the tradition of higher education that emphasizes on knowledge and professionalism and the tradition of pesantren that focuses on spirituality and morality
    5. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has established Ma’had Sunan Ampel al-Ali that plays three fundamental roles: internalizing Islam-for-peace teachings and values, acclimatizing students with Islamic traditions, and creating bilingual environment to improve the students’ Arabic and English language skills
    6. Sharia Faculty has been accredited “A” by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education
    7. Sharia Faculty has conducted academic forums and carried out scientific research for both science and institution development
    8. Sharia Faculty has employed qualified academic staff graduating from reputable universities around the globe
  • Goal
    1. To produce Islamic law scholars who are aware of International issues in Islamic law
    2. To establish coorporation with universities in Muslim countries, especially for finding solution to current Islamic law-related problems in the international context
    3. To support UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang as the center of Islamic civilization in Islamic law
  • Benefit
    1. Sharia Faculty is likely to acquire international reputation
    2. Sharia Faculty can play mediation roles to resolve international disputes and problems related to Islamic law
    3. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang may pioneer its way to be the Center of Islamic Civilization
  • Alumni’s Standard of Competence
    1. Having appropriate expertise in Islamic law
    2. Showing deep sensitivity to National and International Issues in Islamic law
    3. Acquiring good skills to advocate Indonesian citizens who encounter problems in Islamic law
    4. Having adequate communication skills in Arabic and English languages
  • Requirements for Students
    1. Enrolling the second semester at Sharia Faculty with minimun GPA 3.00
    2. Passing the Arabic language, English language, and academic potential tests
  • Requirements for Academic Staff
    1. Serving as “Permanent Lecturer” at Sharia Faculty of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
    2. Having expertise in Islamic law
    3. Holding diploma certificate(s) from overseas universities
    4. Being able to communicate in Arabic and/or English language
  • Standard of Teaching and Learning Process
    • Students
      1. Being able to communicate in Arabic and/or English language
      2. Actively participating in the learning programs inside and outside class
    • Academic Staff
      1. Fostering excellent academic culture
      2. Applying international standard teaching method
      3. Communicating in Arabic and/or English language during the instructional activities
      4. Preparing teaching materials and media that comply with the ICP curriculum standard
    • Instructional Activities
      1. Courses are delivered in Arabic and/or English language
      2. Course assigments must be presented in Arabic and/or English language
      3. Student are urged to memorize al-Qur’an
      4. The instructional activities apply problem-based and task-based learning method, integrated learning perspective, and practical learning
  • Intake
BatchYear EnrolledHKIHESHTNInternship Location
2010201116 studentsUKM Malaysia
2011201215 StudentsUUM Malaysia
2012201313 Students13 StudentsUITM Malaysia
2013201417 Students17 Students16 StudentsUITM Malaysia
2014201515 Students15 Students16 StudentsUITM Malaysia
2015201616 Students17 Students11 StudentsUITM Malaysia
2016201713 Students13 Students14 StudentsUITM Malaysia
2017201814 Students15 Students15 Students
2018201920 Students19 Students13 Students