Relative Sharia (Islamic Jurisprudence)

Fiqh (islamic jurisprudence) well known as sharia in the western studies of Islamic law literally means understanding or comprehension.While in the usage (shar’an), it means knowledge or understanding on laws of human deed obtained from evidences from al-Qur’an and Hadith. Based on the two definitions of fiqh, we know that fiqh not only discusses ablution (wudu’), prayer (salat), alms giving  (zakat), fasting of month of Ramadhan, and Pilgrimage to Mecca but also every human deeds i.e. demonstration, oil drilling, illegal logging, banking transactions, etc.

As human understanding, the truth of fiqh is only relative. It means  no body can claim that their understanding on al-Qur’an and Hadith as the only a valid and correct understanding and the understanding of others is false. Men and women who claim it mean that they consider themselves as a god that have an absolute truth. No one can understand what Allah means exactly about His Qur’anic texts. Men and Women only try to understand it, and their understand can not match the intention of Allah on it, but only Allah knows what He means by them exactly.

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